Saturday, May 14, 2011

End of The Year Program and Pre-K Graduation

 Last week at school, was our End of The Year Program and also the graduation for the Pre-K kids.  Both girls did so good in their program and participated in every song and dance move!  Jules is so shy at school, so I was shocked that she was so into it!  She was the cutest little ladybug in the 2's class.  Jillian's class sang some really cute songs too and Jillian looked like she was having a ball with all of her friends.  I just adore our preschool so much and love that the girls go to such a great school with such wonderful people. 

So, after the program was the graduation for all the pre-k kids who will be leaving preschool.  This means that my big girl Jillian has graduated and is now ready to move on to Kindegarten.  I have such mixed emotions about her heading into school.  She is really smart and will do so good there, but I am really sad about her being gone 5 days a week!  I know she will enjoy it so much, but I am REALLY going to miss her.  I know every parent struggles when their first goes off to school, so hopefully I am not a freak!  I really could tear up at any moment when I think of her heading into that Elementary School on the first day.  I plan to wear sunglasses that whole morning...HA!  But...more on that later. 

Here are some pictures from the program.  My Canon Rebel is acting up, so the only camera I have right now is my tiny canon powershot...and it just isn't great.  All my pictures are pretty blurry, and that makes me REAL sad.  Hopefully I will be getting a new camera VERY soon! 

 My big ALMOST 5 year old

 My big 3 year old

 Jillian getting her diploma from the WONDERFUL Ms. Beth

1 comment:

Notsopc said...

I was all teary eyed when I took my first born to kingergarten.. She looked at me and said "It's okay you can go now" and she was the shy one.. My second born the first day went in fine. The second day they peeled him off me.. Don't worry about wearing glasses. There's lots of tears..
Why did they stop having 1/2 day K..