Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Jammies

Well we have busted into our new Spring Jammies...and ya'll know how much I love some freshly-bathed and just-lotioned girls in new matching jammies, right???? Here are the girls in their new Piggy jammies...and I think they are SO CUTE!

Here is Jillian refusing to take a picture...

And here she is after I bribed her!

Sweet Baby Jules...who NEVER cared about a passy or lovie (except when she was sleeping), until about a month ago. Now she wants then ALL THE TIME!!!

I think these jammies make her eyes look really cool!

Here is Jules throwing back on her sippy cup.
She learned to drink from her Daddy...wink wink! :)

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Tara Gibson said...

awwww those are TOO cute!

Unknown said...

I love love LOVE that picture of Jules!! It is so beautiful!!

Caleb said...

If Jules were any cuter, it would be illegal. And Jillian looks more grown up every day!

Rachel said...

Cute pictures!!!!

Lane said...

Love those jammies!

marcy said...

I'm going to have to "second" both of Uncle Caleb's comments.
AND... I love those girls!
PS Quoting Uncle Caleb, "If Jules were any cuter, it would be illegal." He should know...isn't he her legal counsel? I will be a witness if one is needed!!!

Mindy said...

Jules eyes keep getting bluer and bigger by the month. They are so pretty! And she is really looking more and more like you every day too. I love it!