Sunday, October 17, 2010

Donuts with Dad and Papaw

 At Butterfly School last week, we had Donuts with Dad.  Since I have the two girls...and since Papaw is semi-retired right now, we wanted to invite him along too.  Papaw always treats the girls to donuts every Sunday, and this was their chance to return the favor.  So, Papaw and Daddy brought the girls to school, took them to their classes to check things out, and then got to enjoy breakfast all together.  I know the girls had lots of fun and I am sure the boys did too!  Here are some pics of their fun morning...

 Walking into school
You can tell which man is the one retired and which one still has to punch that time card!!!

 and intimate breakfast for four

 Papaw and his date

 Daddy and his date

 Daddy and his girls

 And yes, I am a teacher, so I get the benefit of getting to watch all of these fun things take place!!!  

I know the girls really want to thank their Daddy and their Papaw for coming to eat with them and see their school.  They love you both very much!!!

1 comment:

marcy said...

Popaws "outfit" looks like maybe after the Donuts with Dads he is headed to a job at Target (your favorite place and the place Jillian prays for!)
I love the pictures!