My two girls could not be any more different from each other!
Jillian is a typical first-born girl. She is a rule-follower...she is very proper and clean...she doesn't like to get into trouble. Jillian is also very into her clothes, hair, shoes, accessories, nails, etc. She is always looking her best (her doing, not mine!) and she wants everyone to notice. The girl requires an almost daily mani/pedi...and she cries if she thinks her hair doesn't look very pretty. Everytime she sees any of our family, her teachers, or her friends, she wants them to notice something she is wearing! I love this girl...she makes me so happy. I LOVE how girly she is!

Here she is all dolled up in her favorite new "high-heeled" shoes.
Isn't she sweet?

My Jules. She is always running around with messy hair (with or without food in it), a
Bandaid on her head, food on her face, clothes either messy or missing, dirty hands, etc. Sigh. How is she
SOOOOOOOOOOOO different from her big sister? Her personality is hilarious and she seems to have everyone that she knows closely
completely wrapped around her dirty little finger! She has recently
developed this HUGE attitude with LOTS of
sassiness. What happened to that sweet baby Jules that I remember? :) I am constantly having to clean her up...which I am hoping is a phase! My sweet and major sassy girl will be 2 in one week from today and I can't even believe that my baby is all grown up! Sad.
Its amazing how different children of the same blood line can be! I have a 6 month old girl that is totally opposite then her older brother was at this age.
I've said it once and I'll probably say it 100 more times....Nora is Jillian and Elyn is Jules. they are the same!!!!!! My two girls couldn't be any different...and I love it that way!
THAT post is HILARIOUS! LOVE the night and day comparison pics...SO FUNNY! The girls are PRECIOUS!
They really are sooo different! VERY funny! I can not believe that she is about to be 2 years old. That is insane!
I laughed out loud at this post!! My favorite part is the bandaid on her head!!! She and O would get a long great!!! Loved it and your girls are DOLLS!!! Miss yall!!
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