We had Jules big birthday bash this past Saturday. Jules really isn't into anything at the age of 2...no hobbies, no major favorite tv show...but the girl LOVES her some candy! So...a candy-themed party seemed very appropriate for my little sweet tooth! We had lots of cake, cookies, and candy!!!! I also decided that the party should take place at the park since that is Jules' favorite place to be. The party was a huge success, because really...what 2 year old wouldn't be thrilled with that kind of spread! The crowd included: Mimi & Papaw, CC & B-Pa, The Dales, Uncle Caleb, Aunt Carol, Ms. Cheryl, The Preisslers, Jo, and Ella & Ms. Tess. Here are pictures from my sweet girl's sweet birthday!

The invitation

the table

the cake

Jules 2 year picture

more table

the party favors

up close

we had chalk...

we had bubbles

and we rode!!!
And yes, I work at a preschool....which is why I can make such cool signs for a birthday party! I know you were wondering!!! :) Working at a preschool definitely has its perks!

blowing out the candle with a little help from the mommy

here is the birthday girl just dying to dig into that cake

there she goes...

Jules and all of her buds
Emmy, Violet, Macy, Jules, Ansley, Jillian, and Ella
Graham (the only boy) is seen here digging into some candy!

Jules and her boyfriend, Graham giving birthday hugs

big girls playing
Jilly, Violet, Emmy, Macy

Jules and her best friend at school...Ella

Jules and her favorite person in the whole world...Daddy

Jules and Jilly doing chalk

Jules and Ella blowing bubbles
Yes, Jules' expensive
pettiskirt is just sitting in bubbles

Jules and Graham having hours of fun playing in the ice!

We ended up opening presents at home. The wind was really crazy that day and I just could picture tissue paper blowing all over the park!!

She was an old pro at opening gifts! She tore right into it!!!

This is the gift that Jillian picked out and wrapped for her little sister

Jules new baby from Ms. Cheryl! She loves this baby!!! It cries, coos, and laughs. The girls love it and Jules doesn't want Jillian to have it at all!

What a sweet Mama!
Okay, finally I can get on with the rest of our lives now that the birthday party is complete! I can now say (for the next 2 months) that I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old! :)
ok...the picture of Jules holding the wrapping paper looks JUST LIKE Elyn! Elyn makes that face all the time!
super cute party!
What fabulous birthday party! Okay sometimes when I read your blog I feel like we are so alike that it is just crazy B! Gosh I miss you! I had so considered having Elem a CANDY party too!!!! haha. Not even joking! But I think I have resorted to BUGS instead. Not positive. But I love love love the party and the cake, and of course the suckers. Too cute!
What a cute party! It looks like they had so much fun. The tutus are adorable!
Great job! Candy and toddlers go together like PB&J. :)
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