WHAT???? I mean, from the sounds of things, it appears that I let my children roll around on truck stop bathroom floors...I mean, first Jillian with the rotavirus, and now the whooping cough? What in the world? I consider myself very clean and cautious, but I guess you can't be too careful! My doc says that whooping cough is airborne and Jules could have gotten it anywhere...like a grocery cart, or someone coughing around her. Jillian has already been immunized for it, but since Jules is so tiny, she has a greater possibility of getting it!
So, we put her on an antibiotic immediately and my doctor wouldn't let us leave town until we got the results back on Thursday. So, we postponed our trip and just waited to hear back. Jules continued to cough all week long and so we were sure that she had the whooping cough. After looking it up...it is a really serious sickness...especially in a small baby! We were very nervous, but Jules seemed so happy and fine except when she was coughing!
Well, Thursday morning came and the nurse finally called and said that she tested negative for whooping cough! We were so excited since I read that most babies have to be hospitalized...and that would have been very scary! So, our little Jules just wanted to make sure that she got a little extra attention...since the competition with Big Sister is pretty fierce!
Here are some pictures of our little cougher...she is SUCH a happy baby!!!!
Sweet girl enjoying her swing
I love this picture...isn't that face PRECIOUS???? Those lips are too much!
Jules has REALLY blue eyes and I don't think that the pictures do them justice...but this shot shows them fairly good. With those blue eyes, pink lips, and blonde hair...I just want to bite her face or something! I almost can't stand it!!!
Kicking her legs and playing before church
Stretch those legs girly!!!
I just think this picture is cute...I can't figure out why, but I love it!
Just chillin on the couch watching big sister act CRAZY!!!
Somebody just woke up. Love her bed head!
Being smothered by Big Sister...Jilly loves her Baby!
Oh my! I know that had to be scary! Your "truck stop" comment is hilarious. I feel that I'm overly cautious too, but my kids are always sick! I hope that Jules feels 100% soon. Oh, and love that hair and lips too!
YESSSSSSSSSSSS the double chin is still there!!! It's my favorite!
So glad she is ok!!
wow, that is scary! so glad baby girl is okay and still as cute as ever (of course).
I'm so glad Jules didn't have that-y'all must have been so panicked! Sorry y'all missed out on your trip though. Jules is such a little cutie-definitely a future heartbreaker!
Ok and BTW that post title is SO 1998 tag team.
Nicely done. Pun included and all...and I bet you were either singing that song or had repeated that joke a couple times before you posted it....I know you... ;)
Glad to hear everything is ok with her. That is scary! We missed getting to see you guys. Make sure you tell us when you're going to be here so that we can get together! We were looking forward to it. Jules is getting so big! Looks more and more like her Daddy everyday!
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