Friday, May 11, 2012

Field Trip & Muffins With Mom

Jillian's class took a field trip to the park.  I had all of my girls with me...and that was fun!  Ha!  I just can't stand three kids going three different ways without seeing them!  But they all had a blast, and we were blessed with great weather!

Jillian's class and the best teacher ever...Ms. Beth!

My cutie!

Seth and his girls sleeping with sponge rollers...getting ready for muffins with mom!

My two girls at Jillian's Muffins with Moms

Jillian gave me an erasable to do list!  

Me and my girl.  Her very last year in preschool!  tears!!!

And you know I don't get too far without this little doll.  She's always along for the ride!

Jules and Me at her Muffins with Mom

Cutest girl in the 3's class!

Jules and her BFF, Ellie

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