THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much CC for coming and helping us out! We had a great time and were VERY sad when you had to leave. Please come back again soon!
Here are a couple of pictures...I was really not feeling well and totally forgot to bust out the camera much...and CC wouldn't pose for too many pictures either! :) Here is the best that I got...
Jillian, CC, and Baby Jules
Uncle Caleb came by to play too...see there is CC's foot on the right!
Jillian and CC making Halloween cookies. See...there is CC's arm on the left!
Jillian placing the cookies on the cookie sheet.
CC's arm and Jillian
Something isn't right in this appears that a little mouse took some bites out of a few of our cookies! How did that happen???
hey, who wouldnt want a bite of one of those tempting little ghost cookies!? Give the girl a break, huh?! And I love the fact that Uncle Caleb was having some sort of tea party/picnic with Jilly and CC. Very Cute.
I am glad that you are feeling better!! CC is a good grandma - she loves those girls!! It was so cute to see Caleb playing =)!!
Those cookies look good!
That's right...uncle Caleb likes tea parties with his nieces. And he's not afraid to admit it.
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