Monday, November 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to Ansley!!!

The Birthday Girl

Today is Ansley's 6th birthday and I just cannot believe that she is already so old!!! I remember the day she was born and here she is this big kindergartner!!! Jillian loves her cousin Ansley so much and thinks that she is SOOOOO cool!! Ansley had her birthday party this past weekend...a pajama party! There were about ten other six year old girls there...and WOW, are they loud!!! Ansley had a great time at her party...and so did Jillian...she was right there in the middle of all the big girls! WE LOVE YOU ANSLEY!!! Happy Birthday!

Jillian and Ansley ready to celebrate!!

Here is Jillian all dressed and ready for the big PJ party!

Here is Ansley so modestly letting everyone sing Happy Birthday to her!

Jillian spent most of the party outside on the slide with Daddy!



Anonymous said...

Cutest girls ever! Jilly looks like she fit right in with the big girls!

Summer said...

What a sweet "ode to Ansley." She thought your phone call was so special this morning before school. Just think, before you know it we will be posting about how Jilly has turned 6 years old right before our eyes!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Ansley let me get you nkd, your pu--y isn't ready yet but your mouth and arse are and I'm horny for little girl s-x

Anonymous said...

b s her pussyis ready let me at her