2 girls...hanging out
Jules giving us a little smile
Jillian just being silly as usual
Here is Jillian's long hair. I have still never given her a haircut, but I want to go get it trimmed just to keep it healthy. Will it make her curls go away???
The little scholar eating some muffins to make her tummy full for all the learning that she had to do!
How much monogrammed stuff does it take for one little 2 year old to go to MDO once a week???? Jillian almost needed a Bell Boy to come and help her with her luggage to go to class! I told Seth that I probably appear too excited about Jillian's school with all this stuff...but I LOVE MONOGRAMS!!!! Summer said that Jillian is just obviously a First kid! I can promise, though, that I will have the same stuff for Jules when she goes to school too!
This is about as good of a picture as I could get. She was eating the sweettart that I used to bribe (persuade) her to come outside and take a picture...and she is pointing at the neighbors water sprinklers.
I love a good back-side picture!
Walking in to her first day...
Here is about when she started to realize that this whole school thing might not be all it is cracked up to be! She is looking at us like..."You guys are coming in too, right?"
This is the point where things started to go South! Mimi s just the best and she showed up to help take pictures and see Jillian off to her class...so we all head into school together as Jillian's little entourage. ( I am so bummed that I didn't get ANY pictures of Mimi and Jillian!!! I just wasn't thinking straight!) Now, go back to January when I enrolled her in school...since that day, EVERY SINGLE TIME we have driven by her school...we have said "Hi school!" and "Bye school!" I have been doing this now for 8 months to hopefully get her used to school and possible excited??? Also...keep in mind, that since Jillian was about 7 months old, I have been leaving her at the gym nursery and in Bible class all the time...and she does great! NEVER cries for me. Well, today was another story. I am sure that I made too big of a deal out of the whole thing...but how can you not, right??? Anyway, we go to drop Jillian off in her actual class and she goes in kicking and screaming!!!! I mean, the child was acting like I was turning her over to a gang or something! I didn't know what to do...so I just walked away and didn't look at her! It sucks that 2 year olds just don't get yet that you will ACTUALLY come back and get them! So, anyway, I walked away sad thinking that she was miserable. So, Seth went back and checked on her about 2 minutes later, and she was already playing with toys and having a good time. I keep thinking that I would just love to be a fly on the wall and see what all actually goes on! I would love to see her interact with other kids, eat her lunch, sing, do art projects...and everything else that she will get to do while in school.
After I leave school, I decide to go run some errands since it is just me and the baby. Oh my word...how quiet my car was and how easy my day was with just one child!!!! Here is my view of where Jillian sits...all alone and quiet! I did, however, actually get to listen to the radio for a change! I have been listening to non-stop Toy Story and Toy Story 2 since July 4th weekend!!!! And Kid Sing-A-Longs, Barney, and Baby Mozart every day before that for the past 2 years!!! I mean, are The Backstreet Boys still popular???
I also forgot just HOW EASY it is to run errands with only one kid! WOW...I used to think getting that seat in and out was hard! I was so wrong! It was TOO easy to pop Jules in and out of the car today! I even got to use our original stroller! SO NICE!!!
When it was time to go get Jilly, we picked her up and she was SEMI-excited to see me. I guess she is already in "Too Cool for Mom" mode or something! Great...didn't know that started so soon. She was actually REALLY excited to see Jules. She kept touching her and holding her hand! Then we got in the car and she requested Toy Story...and there you have it...life returns to normal!
Here is Jillian enjoying her after-school snack...her first ice cream cone.
Jules sure is hinting around for a bite of that ice cream!!
Jillian got a little gift for going to school...some new high heels (since she broke hers from the Brock boys...wore those babies out!), a First Day of School book, and some blue chap stick! Gotta love the $1 bin at Target!
This was the best picture I could get with the heels on...this girl is always on the move!
Hopefully next week will be an easier drop off? I hear it takes a while...so I guess we will get there eventually!!!
Seth and I met during our Junior year at
Jillian Jane was born on June 22, 2006. She is our smart, energetic, dramatic, opinionated, and precious girl. She loves to play dress up, play with her Barbies, do any kind of artwork, and tell her little sister what to do. Her newest obsession is
Paisley Kate was born on February 24, 2011. She is just the sweetest and most precious baby. She already has our whole family wrapped around her tiny little finger. We are so happy to finally have our baby