Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jillian at 1 Year Old

Jillian is so much fun at one! She started walking on her exact birthday...June 22! And she has just taken off ever since!!! Now she is running and way faster than I am...especially when she is heading straight for the dog food. Here are some of Jillian's favorites and not so favorties at one:

Favorite Foods: blueberries, raspberries, grapes, bananas, animal cookies, veggies

Favorite Books: "Where is Baby's Belly Button?", "The Animal Book", and her
flash cards

Favorite Songs: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, It's Raining-It's Pouring, Head-Shoulders-Knees-and Toes, and Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Favorite Toy: Her Dolls...she has three and carries one of them around at all times, The Fridge DJ, her wagon, and her outside slide/swing...and of course the remotes, phone, and cell phones

Favorite TV show: The Wiggles

Favorite Movies: Anything Baby Einstien

Spoken Words: Mama, Dada, and ByeBye...she also tells me what a doggie says and what a cow says

Tooth Count: 6 (4 on top and 2 on bottom)

Tricks: Peek-A-Boo, Touchdown!!!, pointing at what she wants, sucking through a straw, blowing kisses, waving REALLY big, kissing (only her babies), and patting everyone

Jillian's Loves: Swimming in the pool, terrorizing Tyson, eating fruit, being VERY independent, singing, playing Peek-A-Boo, reading books, taking a bath, being outside...especially on the boat, playing in the cabinets, dancing, The Wiggles, and brushing her teeth

Jillian's Hates: Getting her nose cleaned, riding in the carseat, getting her hair done, watering the flowers (I think she is afraid of the water hose???), being contained in any way, and not being able to suck on my cell phone

Doing the "Touchdown" trick

Jillian really proud of her walking skills

Friday, July 20, 2007

The First Blog

We have created this blog as a way to keep our family and friends updated with pictures and posts of what is going on in our daily life with our daughter, Jillian Jane...and any future Patterson babies.